$3500/weekly plus complete housing with all utilities included which at current local prices is worth about $40,000/year which is tax free
Preferred Education:
If you are seeking adventure and the opportunity for work/life balance on a daily basis, this is the job for you. Not only do our daily clinic hours ensure you will have the chance to enjoy the local charms of Fairbanks, Alaska, I am seeking someone who will relish the opportunity to take 2-4 months vacation a year. Ballaine Vet Clinic is a true mixed practice (75% small animal, 25% large animal) with patients including dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, and rabbits. Good basic equine skills are essential ( colics, wounds, sick horses) . Most farm calls are within a 30 minute drive of the clinic, however some calls require 2-3 hours of travel- a great way to see other parts of Alaska. Most of the large animal work is April-September. Clinic hours are Monday to Friday 9-12 am and 3-6 pm with the 12-3 slot designed to allow for outdoor activities-walking/biking/swimming in summer and cross country skiing in the winter. Clinic appointments are booked on half hour time slots to allow sufficient time to complete a basic exam, diagnostics, treatment, and records in most cases. Surgeries are scheduled in the mornings and and booked on your efficiency. The clinic is non-computerized with all records on a card file system for easy reference. The successful applicant must be prepared to work alone as I will often be unreachable while away. That said I am very willing to be available for a extended transition period at the start. I have one assistant who serves as tech/receptionist/bookkeeper and we work as a team to get everything done (mopping up pee, cleaning kennels. cleaning up from a bloody quill dog before it has a chance to set up, writing up a rabies certificate.) There are no regular weekend hours and my clients do not expect me to be available all the time; If I am in the clinic when the phone rings outside normal clinic hours I will answer it. I do not carry a cell phone when out of the clinic and simply check messages when I return. The clinic is in a residential neighborhood about 2 miles from the University of Alaska,Fairbanks. The University offers a wide range of facilities and cultural activities which are readily accessible to the public. There is a highly regarded elementary school within walking distance of the clinic. The clinic itself is a 2 story building with the clinic on the ground floor and and approximately 2000 square foot living space upstairs ( where we have lived for 37 years). There is an additional apartment downstairs and a rustic cabin short walk from the clinic. There are 30+ miles of trails available from the door and a 5 minute drive to the grocery store. I have owned Ballaine Vet Clinic for 37 years and would like to continue practicing on a limited basis for the next 4-5 years. I would ideally work 2-4 months a year in blocks of 1 week or more. I would certainly be available for the occasional day here and there. I am offering $3500/week along with clinic accommodation listed previously. At current local prices the value of the housing which includes all utilities is about $40,000 a year which is tax free. The best way to reach me is by calling 907-479-3641. I often go several days without checking e-mail. Cort Zachel